Illinois Solar For All Offering
Illinois Solar For All Offering
Illinois Solar for All provides greater access to the clean energy economy for low-income communities through incentives that help make solar installations more affordable and result in measurable savings for participants.

What is Illinois Solar for All?
What is Illinois Solar for All?
- A state program that provides incentive for solar that serves low-income families & environmental justice communities.
- These installed solar systems help Illinois meet its clean energy goals!
- Provides greater access to solar for low-income residents with incentives to make solar affordable.
- Guaranteed Savings for participants.
- More info:

Who can Participate?
Who can Participate?
- Income-eligible homeowners: Single-family residential properties occupied by households with an income of 80% or less of Area Median Income (AMI).
- Income eligibility is verified by Approved Vendor (Sunrun) & validated by administrator: Elevate Energy.
- If you are not eligible, Illinois Shines general program may be an option: