How much does going solar cost?
Sure solar sounds great. Clean electricity. Freedom from the utility companies. No more massive bills. But you can’t help but think “how much are these solar panels gonna set me back?” A ton, right? Nope. When you call Sunrun, you can get beautiful, money-saving solar panels on your roof for litte to $0 down. So how does it all work?
Truth be told, the total cost of solar installation can be between $15,000 to $29,000 for average-sized systems between 4kW and 8kW. But that’s ONLY if you decide to purchase the system and pay up front. Sunrun lets you get started for as little as $0 down and we take care of the system throughout the lifetime of the agreement, from paperwork to system monitoring and maintenance, at no cost to you. But how is that possible?
Well, we buy a customized solar system designed just for you and you lease it from us. Then our experienced installers come install it. Finally, once the solar system is up and running, all you do is pay Sunrun a surprisingly low, locked-in, monthly rate for clean solar electricity. The best part? It’ll still be less than what you pay to your utility now, saving you money over time. If you want to own your system, you can do that, too. And while it may be more money up front, the savings will still roll in.
Sunrun is helping homeowners just like you to take control of their electricity bills and lock in low rates. So, what’s holding you back? With all of the tax credits and perks designed to save you money and keep the environment beautiful, it’s time to make the switch to Sunrun. Get a quote today.
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How much does solar cost?

See if you qualify for the
26% federal tax credit
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Going solar. SO expensive, right? Well, at least that’s what people think. But here’s a little secret we’ll let you in on. When you call Sunrun, you can get beautiful, money-saving solar panels on your roof for as little as zero dollars upfront. Z-E-R-O. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Here’s the scoop.
With Sunrun, all you pay for is the solar power, not the solar panels, and we take care of the system throughout the lifetime of the agreement, from paperwork to system monitoring and maintenance, at no cost to you. We buy the customized solar system that was designed for you.
Then our experienced installers come install it. Finally, once the solar system is up and running, all you do is pay Sunrun a surprisingly low, locked-in, monthly rate for clean solar electricity. The best part? It’ll be less than what you pay to your utility now, saving you money over time.
So does this sound like a good deal? It does to me. Get a solar quote today – and that’s free too!
Get a free solar quote.

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