Why go solar now?
You’ve been thinking a lot about solar. Why wouldn’t you be? Seems like everyone is turning to solar these days to take the sting off of those big utility bills. And that whole thing about clean, solar electricity making a difference in the environment – that’s a great reason, too. So, why haven’t you made the switch? We’ll answer the burning question “should I go solar now?” and show you how easy it is to save money on your power bills, while doing something good for the planet:
Why go solar now? If you’ve been holding off, waiting for the perfect time to go solar, that time is now. Think about it this way: the longer you wait to make the switch, the longer you’ll be overpaying your utility company. Every time the rates go up, your bill does, too. Plus, with all the great tax credits and incentives designed to save you money and keep the environment beautiful, it’s time to make the switch to Sunrun. Put thousands of dollars back in your pocket over the life of your system, lock in low rates and protect yourself against rising utility costs.
What’s involved? So, you’re sold on the idea of solar but you may be wondering, ""How much time and effort is this going take?"" The good news is we take care of everything. Sunrun will design, install, and maintain your system the entire time. We also guarantee your energy production for savings you can count on. You get a worry-free system – without having to lift a finger. See our warranties page for more information.
Is solar really making an impact on the environment? Yes. Right now, the electricity you use is created by belching out greenhouse gases that pose a serious threat to our environment. With solar – that’s a thing of the past. You’re helping create a planet run by beautiful, clean energy from the sun.
So, why solar? Because solar electricity is clean, renewable, good for your wallet, and for the planet. Switch to Sunrun today and start putting thousands of dollars back in your pocket over the life of your system. You’ll get great financing options like paying little to no money upfront. It’s never been easier to make the switch.

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Video Transcription
Why go solar now?
Can I take a wild guess? You’re a homeowner who wants to save money on electricity costs, right? I’m right aren’t I? Here’s my next guess: you’re probably also wondering when the best time is to go solar. Well let me tell you – the best time is right now. And let me explain why.
If you’re like homeowners who haven’t gone solar yet, you’ve been overpaying your utility company since, well, before you can remember. Every time the rates go up… too bad. Just keep paying. It’s not like you had a choice, right? Well you do now. You can lock a surprisingly low electricity rate by going solar with Sunrun. Then the next time utility rates rise? You’re laughing all the way to the bank.
Another reason to go solar with Sunrun: we take care of everything. We design, install, and maintain your system the entire time. We also guarantee your energy production for savings you can count on. You get a worry-free system – just enjoy the savings.
Finally, you won’t be killing the planet. Ok, that’s slightly dramatic for effect, but seriously, old school electricity is created by belching out greenhouse gases that pose a serious threat to our environment. With solar – none of that smokestack-y stuff. You can help create a planet run by beautifully clean energy from the sun. Why do you think Americans are installing new solar panels every 3 minutes? They now know that solar electricity is clean, renewable, good for your wallet, and for the planet. And now you know too.
Ready to start saving with Sunrun solar? Give us a call or visit sunrun.com today for a free quote.

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