How many solar panels will my home need?

You’re ready for a highly efficient solar system on your roof. What size solar system should you have? Hey, you’ve got better things to do than worry about that. Which is why Sunrun will help handle all the details for you. Not only are we an experienced provider, we have proprietary solar design technology called BrightPathTM to help us create a customized system that maximizes energy production better and faster than if we did it by hand.
Every household is going to be different depending on a number of factors. That’s why our solar experts are here to help you sort through all the technical stuff. So instead of wracking your brain over “how many solar panels will I need?” or “what kind of inverter do I buy?”, prepare yourself by asking these questions instead.

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How much power do I need? Check your electric bills to see how many kilowatts you use on an average day. A typical system generates 5 kilowatts per day but your home may need more or less. We’ll go over this with you in more detail during your free solar consultation to figure out just how much power a solar system will need to produce in order to power your home.
What’s your climate like? The number of panels you need depends on how much solar radiation reaches the ground where you are. Feel like clouds are oftentimes in your neighborhood forecast? Believe it or not, solar can work well even if it’s overcast.
How much direct sun hits your roof? In general, you’ll need 100 square feet of south-facing roof space for every kilowatt of power. Clouds? No problem, the sun can handle it. Actually, it’s shadows from chimneys, trees, or taller buildings that are a bigger obstacle for the sun’s rays. But not to worry, we can take a look and help with that too.
Even if you don’t have the exact answers to all these questions, it doesn’t hurt to give them some thought. You’ll be all the more prepared and know the right questions to ask during your free solar consultation (and thoroughly impress our solar experts). Consider them as a starting point towards solar success. And don’t worry—we’ll tell you how many solar panels you’ll need too.

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